Sunday, January 18, 2009

2 Weeks Past

It's been two weeks Haziq went to Salsabiilla. I have to admit that he's fully adjusted to the pre-school and look forward going there. The 7th day to Salsabilla was the day he didn't come up with any remark just before getting in the car or getting out of the car once at school. Among his remark were 'Hakeem kecil lagi (wanting his younger bro to join him', 'Lama la kat sekolah ni', 'Tak best la school (the contrary statement when we pick him fr Salsabiilla in the afternoon'.. etc.

It's a smooth sail now. I need not have to psychology him everyday how wonderful school is, i dont need to count with him how many more days to weekend and the best part is i can concentrate at work! (believe it or not). Some of my frens were shock when i share my experience.. cause they just don't believe that's me. They thought i'm stronger than that. I said.. u'll know once you have kids :)

One of the lesson learned is we didn't prepare Hakeem the younger brother that his bro will be going to school. So, it was difficult when he starts crying wanting to play at Salsabilla. Hakeem easily adapt to surrounding and socializing. So, when Haziq still making faces not wanting to stay, Hakeem already grabbing toys to play. He gets upset when we took him & left the bro crying at Salsabilla. So.. we end up comforting Hakeem & by the time i turn around after wearing my shoes Haziq already settled down. It was just a minute crying. Hakeem was upset for a week. He cried everytime he woke up from afternoon sleep. He normally don't. Luckily its all good now.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Charming Prince to Pre-School

This was the final moment shortly before i said 'Haziq masuk school, ibu & ayah tunggu luar Salsabilla'. Thats where the refusal scene starts. He was excited & looking forward to it but the separation anxiety with ibu & ayah kills them all!

I have registered him in early November 2008. Checked out the school, talked to the headmistress & met the teachers. Pretty confident of the teachers(muka sejuk & approachable) & module(in english.. too early to comment), pleased with the cleanliness, safety assured with the security (always close gate & main door), good remarks from SIL/Bro and most importantly close to home.

A day before the history starts, we went to MPH subang parade and bought him pencil case, pensil, eraser and sharpener. Bought 2 sets of course, one for Haziq & one for Hakeem(to be fair). We did this after my SIL(a teacher) shares the tip to build the excitement for a 1st timer pre-school toddler. She said its important as the idea of a school will be alien for them and separation hurts them initially. So that's what we did.

When he refused to enter Salsabiilla, we decided to talk to him outside. Wasn't sure whether we can come in. The teachers were all ladies & religous since this is an islamic pre-school & day care. But since we saw other mommy enter, we think best if we enter & get him connected to friends, teachers and surrounding. After 15 mins persuasion, the headmistress Pn Rahimah says 'This is normal for 1st timer. What we will do is we give him something to do. If they refuse to cooperate even after a while, we will give them some cooling off period. Then when they are hungry or tired, they will try to get connected to the teachers'. So indirectly it was a hint for me to leave :)

Pn Rahimah showed Haziq a block game & brought him upstairs. So i left halft heartedly. I really want him to be in school & enjoy it as he's a lil' bit clingy to me but i can't stand hearing him crying when he was taken from me. Waited outside with Hubby. Within 5 mins the teacher came outside calling us. My heart started pounding. A lot of things flashed on my mind. Haziq pee.. haziq still crying.. surprisingly he's ok. So.. we left for our regular breakfast spot in Kelana Jaya.

It was a long day for me. So.. i bet haziq was thinking of me as well. I did went shopping with Hakeem but my mind did linger what is haziq doing at this hour :)

We picked haziq up with his fav cousin, Khaliesah. Hakeem was asleep. The moment Haziq heard his name being called, i can see his happy face as he peeked out of the Pondok & slide down and run towards me. The teacher called him to grab his bag. 1001 gush of feeling can be seen at his face.. he just want to run to me and get out of there!

He enjoyed himself basically. He said good things abt school and continue to bring his bag here and there. Except when he's sleeping.

I am so proud of him. I bet his dad feels the same way. So does everyone :)