Friday, November 28, 2008

Word on Encouragement

"Bismillah. Dear Allah, the lady reasing this is beautiful, classy and strong and i love her. Help her live her life to the fullest. Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations. Help her shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love. Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs You the most and let her know she will always be safe. Love u!!!"

from Amnah..

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The London Trip

A memorable holiday with 3 heroes in London & Sutton! Well.. i was there for work but the family join me :) So here's some snapshot to depict how wonderful the trip was :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Hey charming heroes... here's the aeroplane taken just for u! Love Mommy.

MH723 to Jakarta

I love travelling. But my heart ripped of during departing esp having to leave my heroes behind. I wish i can bring them but..
Luckily my flight was cancelled so i'm able to spend more time with them. They fall asleep after playing and jumping in the car (waiting for the next flight). So, it was for the best to separate at that time.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Can we?

Dad.. we want this bed. Can we? Its so cool. It has steering wheel.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dream American Classic Dining table

Love it! Found at KLCC expo but strike a deal at the outlet!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Will sleep when ...

Daddy is trying to persuade Haziq to let go of the PC. So he said 'Haziq, go and get some sleep. Enuf of computer game'
'I'll sleep when i am tired' Haziq responded!. Dad got a shock. Immediately burst laughing


Its a known thing that haziq knows how to spell his name ' H A Z I Q ' but what is not known he picked up on how to spell his best cousin's name 'E I Z A Z' through his cousin. It gave me a shock when he spelled his cousin name as i handed a vitamin that has a letter 'E' engrave on it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Food lover

I love Hakeem. Hakeem just changing his talking engine to gear 2. He likes to call 'Bu' repeatedly especially after i responded. Anyhow i am very grateful he actually speaks despite a lil' later at 1 year 5 mths. He did say some words few mths earlier than that though. Guess its true when people said that if a kid pick up walking early, the speaking capability will be lil' bit later.
Anyway back to food, hakeem adores to eat. He can easily be fed. He eats a wide range of food as compared to Haziq. He's also a food explorer. He will taste it before he says no. He eat Kuih pelita, Bingka ubi, fruits, fish cakes and the list qoes on...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Talk and talk and talk

While i was busy surfing the web, Haziq squized and place himself comfortably between me and Ayah. Then, the next thing i hear "Bu, nape ibu tak nak cakap dgn Haziq", i turned to him and said "coz i'm surfing the net". But one thousand and one thing flash through my mind. My son has grown up so fast that he's starting to question what his mommy is doing! and while i'm typing this, he's still talking! :)
Now that i've associated this journal to a HaziQ label, he noticed and have to ask abt it whether what he saw is his name! When i confirmed, he said 'No ibu'. Geee... bright hero!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

My 1st drawing

This is at My Studio Play School. Impressive for a 3 year old gonna be boy!

Friday, April 18, 2008

He prayed!

Hakeem surprisingly prayed before me while i was busy wearing my praying attire. Well, he basically stand straight for a while, then sujud. He did it twice. Perhaps he learnt it very quickly from HaziQ, his role model bro. - Mommie -

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Maclaren Stroller

We finally bought our 1st baby stuff! All these while its either a handover or a gift.. baby cot(handover-used by my bro during his childhood which is 27 years ago), stroller(handover-fr my sis), carrier(present by eldest bro), car seat(handover-fr my sis). I am so happy having the new stroller. Makes my life easier to shop. Not only its our 1st purchase but its very friendly to navigate. DO u believe it if i said that I even have the urge to take EL the next day just to stroll at the mall using the Maclaren stroller. - Mommie -

Monday, April 14, 2008

EYE - 1st day @ SMK Taman Connaught

Last friday April 13, was my 1st EYE visit to SMK Taman Connaught playing my role as advisor. 1001 things flashes on my mind when i speak in front of the form 4 students. I do not know whether what i said makes much sense to the students as it was my 1st public speaking to students. Of course they listened to me attentively but the round eyes, plane look, statue pose.. thousand of things flashes my mind. Not to mentioned, it reminded me to my school days, was i that decent, quite, shy, petite etc.
Roy, Ryne and i were the ExxonMobil Young Enterpreneur advisors for this school. It's roughly a 16 weeks of commitment over the 6 mths. Basically, its a business simulation program for the students to plant/cultivate the business mindset/interest. So, CEO, BOD, register co. name, M&A, Balance Sheet, profit-loss ledger etc have to take place. By the end of the program, one school will be selected as the winner and will compete at national level next year. I surely hope my school wins.
I've been thinking of joining the program for many years. Only now the time permits (personal & work commitment). Francis, one of the secretariat even said when i expressed my interest to participate, "What took you so long!..." feel funny yet feeling a sense of belonging already.
It's abt time for me to get connected to society, play my social responsibility role and the most important part is to get enter education world. HaziQ will be going to play school soon, so i need to be mentally ready to get connected to his school world. Not to mentioned it indirectly connected me to my beloved dad who devoted his life on education. -Mommie-

Call the police..police..

While i was sorting out my family album, i suddenly heard 'Hello Polis. Boleh polis datang ambil Eizaz(his closest cousin)? Dia gaduh dgn Haziq je'. When i turned, i saw he was holding the cordless phone as if he's talking to the police on the other line. It gives me a shock!! WHen did he pick that up? Who teach him.. i have no clue! -Mommie-

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pocoyo Act!

Look at my charming lil' hero.. the power of cable cartoon - Pocoyo!
The moment Hakeem starts walking.. this is among his first few act. Picture taken at Alamanda PutraJaya on March 22, 2008 -Mommie -

School Leaving Certificate Logo

Guess what? Haziq says 'Sekolah Ibu? Sekolah Ibu?' ('Is this your school mother?)' while pointing at printed school logo on a school certificate & he's only 2y & 10m. My jaw dropped. How and when did he knows that? Who teach him? I have no clue. Amazing! Now, i have a stronger urge to send him to playschool. Was supposed to start today but Avicenna Montessori haven't fully complete the school refurbishment. Hari ini dalam Sejarah! - Mommie-

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Speedy Recovery

Hakeem condition gets worst last night. Eventhough his fever subside but he was practically uncontrollable physically. To make things worse, he only wants his mommie and carrying him in standing position. Just imagine carrying a 9kg baby for hours! If one try to talk or get in contact with him, he will scream, shaking his head, etc. So, we brought him to hospital at midnight. The scary part is that the moment he stepped out of the house, he was ok. Even is hospital. So we were in doubt whether we shd see the doc. Orang tua2 kata macam kena ikut.
But we went to see the doc anyway since we were already in hosp. Alhamdulillah doctor found lymph node at his neck and at both side. So, there is a medical explanation to that. It was a sleepless night. Bare can wake up the next day. Had to take EL to monitor Hakeem primarily.
This was the most horrifying experience.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

2008 Election

My stand. My effort. A victory!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My hp

"Mommie, i am serious. I want to bring this handphone to school!"

Can you imagine that? WHat if he can talk his feelings? This tells how much Haziq adores technology especially computer and handphone.